About Avant STAMP for American Sign Language (ASL)

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Avant STAMP for ASL is a first-of-its-kind American Sign Language test. It was developed for second-language learners of ASL and Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) in collaboration with Bridges Oregon. Bridges Oregon is one of only two organizations that deliver the National Sign Language Assessment (NSLA) which uses the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) to assess ASL interpreters.
This assessment was developed to align with the same proficiency scale and rigor as all other Avant STAMP tests. The Receptive skill is computer- adaptive and results are available immediately upon completion. The Expressive skill is scored by members of the ASL linguistics community that have undergone Avant Rater Certification training.
Test takers may be evaluated on the Receptive skill (the ability to comprehend ASL) as well as the Expressive skill (the ability to create ASL) including the use of ASL grammar. This computer-adaptive Sign Language test is conducted entirely online and does not require a live interviewer; making it convenient and affordable!

Now Available for College Credit
Avant STAMP for ASL has been recommended for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE).
Credit may be given when a minimum Novice-High level is achieved in both Receptive and Expressive skills.
Recommendations allow up to 16 credits based on the level achieved.
Video: Avant STAMP for ASL Endorsed for College Credit
Avant STAMP for ASL is a proficiency test for second-language and CODA American Sign Language learners. It is appropriate for high school and college students. Robyn Marcak explains the details around the assessment’s endorsement by the American Council on Education’s (ACE) for college credit.
Credit by Exam
Avant STAMP for ASL helps both Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) and ASL second language learners earn world language high school or college credits for their acquired language skills. Increase access and equity to higher-level courses and programs by offering the Avant STAMP for ASL test!
Place with Confidence
By delivering accurate data on test takers’ real-world language proficiency levels, Avant STAMP for ASL can help place students with some American Sign Language skills into appropriate class levels.
We continuously work to improve our safeguards for testing, test taker data, and proctoring integrity. Avant is compliant with the current data privacy laws and security requirements. Learn more about our Test Security and Integrity.
Earn a Seal of Biliteracy
STAMP for ASL is approved for the Global Seal of Biliteracy! Test takers can showcase their skills on college applications, social media, and to prospective employers.
Integrated with Clever and ClassLink
Clever and ClassLink are single sign-on (SSO) integrations that make rostering your test takers quick, easy, and more secure. Using these integrations means profile information is consistent. This ensures the ability to compare learner test results quickly and efficiently.
A Shared Purpose to Support Access Through Language Learning
Avant Assessment is dedicated to improving equity, access and understanding through the improved teaching and learning of languages.
For every test purchased and delivered, a portion of the proceeds will be contributed to Bridges Oregon in support of their mission.
Bridges Oregon has Deaf veteran ASL K-16 teachers on their team who are instrumental in providing guidance to the Avant test development team in building the assessment. In addition, Bridges Oregon has introduced ASL experts to be part of the team of Avant certified raters who review and rate individual test taker responses.
David Bong CEO & Co-Founder
As a visual language, ASL presents new test design and technology challenges for online assessment and we are thrilled to now have Bridges Oregon’s expert support as we develop the test. ASL is a quickly growing language in schools and universities across the country. STAMP for ASL will meet the needs of ASL education programs and ASL learners by providing a way to obtain data that will support analysis and professional learning. This will support improvements in learning outcomes and enable learners to qualify for Seals of Biliteracy.
Chad A. Ludwig, Executive Director of Bridges Oregon
Bridges Oregon looks forward to participating in this new opportunity with Avant and being able to witness a new technology milestone that allows an ASL assessment to be available through Avant’s innovative computer adaptive technology with support from our heritage language scoring assessment team, and this partnership is significant as it increases resources to schools and universities.
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