Transforming School Language Programs with ARP ESSER Funds
What are the ARP ESSER Funds?
A unique opportunity to fund the transformation of world language, dual-language immersion, and bilingual programs.
A funding source for assessing and recovering language learning loss during the pandemic in addition to professional development for teachers and administrators.
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund provides nearly $122 billion to States. In turn, states will make an investment in assessment and instruction to help students recover from learning loss and build on gains in independence and agency. Funding will enable States and local educational agencies (“LEAs”), and more directly schools, to assess student academic progress and adopt programs that provide sustainable, lasting value to instruction.

$13 Billion for remote assessment & instructional support + reopening
Schools must spend these funds by September 30, 2021*.
*Deadline extended until March 30, 2024 for Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and D.C.
$54 Billion for assessment & instruction to recover learning loss
Schools must allocate these funds by September 30, 2023 and be spent by January 28, 2024.
$122 Billion for public school assessment & instructional transformation.
$2.7 Billion for non-public school transformation
$1 Billion for Head Start
Schools must allocate these funds by September 30, 2024 and be spent by January 28, 2025.
Leverage ESSER Funds to Transform Learning
Help students recover from any pandemic learning loss with the Avant STAMP early in the term.
Spark student inspiration to stick with language learning by giving them a substantive goal in State or Global Seals of Biliteracy.
Accelerate the speed of language acquisition through formative testing and data-informed teaching practices.
Engage in curriculum improvements with Avant MORE Learning.
Increase teacher satisfaction, improved student outcomes, and reduce turnover with the Avant ADVANCE training tool.
ESSER Funds May be Used to Support Multilingual Learners
(New guidance as of December 7, 2022; excerpted from the ESSER and GEER Use of Funds FAQ, See C-4a.)
ESSER funds may be used to address long-standing inequities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic including, but not limited to:
- Supporting the development or expansion of multilingual instructional programs, including programs that provide instruction in Native American languages.
- Assessing individual student needs and tailoring supports to unique circumstances.
- Providing professional development to educators and others who provide additional supports to ensure instruction and enrichment are evidence-based and culturally and linguistically responsive, including by ensuring students learn listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in an integrated manner in all languages they are studying.
- Supporting existing educators and staff in adding bilingual or other specialized certifications that support multilingual learners, including by covering the costs associated with earning those additional certifications.
- Supporting or expanding programs that offer a seal of biliteracy to recognize students who demonstrate proficiency in multiple languages.
Your ARP ESSER funds can benefit all students in your language programs
Use your ARP ESSER funds to partner with Avant to:
- Identify learning loss with Avant STAMP tests with beginning of term assessments.
- Grow teachers’ skills through professional development training with Avant MORE Learning.
- Learn best practices for data-informed instruction with Avant MORE Learning.
- Assess for proficiency with the Avant STAMP mid-term to identify skills that need further development.
- Conduct end-of-term Avant STAMP assessment used to measure annual learning growth and program efficacy.
- Prepare your students to earn the State and/or Global Seal of Biliteracy.
By advocating for your language program supporting all students– meeting them in their individual learning process and developing teachers for better instruction — you will sustainably transform your outcomes.
Speak to a Proficiency Assessment Expert
We can help your school or district address the needs of language learning students and support teachers to advance learning outcomes.
Call us at 888-731-7887 today!